How to apply for NETELLER Net+ Prepaid MasterCard

Munna Bhai
Munna Bhai
Published on 07-Aug-2015, last updated 31-Aug-2016
8 Comments 137,751 views

Based on the feedback from various desi punters whose NETELLER accounts were blocked and money was robbed, I've come to conclusion that NETELLER & Skrill are fraud. Since they are hidden away safely desi punters have no way of recovering money. So don't use NETELLER or Skrill if you are a desi. Both companies are now owned by a new company called Paysafe. 

If you are using NETELLER then withdraw all your money immediately.

If you still insist on using NETELLER and skrill then use at your own fucking risk and don't come back to me asking for help. I can't do anything.

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8 Responses to “ How to apply for NETELLER Net+ Prepaid MasterCard ”
  1. Bhai is it available in India?

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  4. does it work in Bangladesh?

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