Average Back Odds Calculator

Shakuni Mama (Admin)
Shakuni Mama (Admin)
Published on 13-Jul-2015, last updated 17-Jul-2015
1 Comment 129,341 views

This calculator allows you to calculate average odds for multiple back bets. Another scenario where this calculator comes handy is when you have placed multiple back bets and want to know average back bets so that you can place lay bet on betting exchange.

This calculator is mobile friendly so you will find it easy to use on your mobile phone.

You can save this calculator if you wish to place more back bets later and calculate average odds.

How to access this calculator?

After login click on Dashboard -> Tools -> Average Back Odds Calculator

How to use Back Average Odds calculator?

Enter the Odds and Stake and see the average odds at the bottom of table.

Back Average Odds Calculator


Add New Row

Click on + icons to add more rows.


Click on save to save the tool which will be listed at the bottom of page. Enter a meaningful title and date for your reference and save it.

Update/Delete saved calculators

If you wish to update or add more back bets in saved calculator then you can do so by clicking on the saved calculator and updating it.

Click on delete icon to delete the calculator.


If you have any query on this calculator then post it on forum.

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One Response to “ Average Back Odds Calculator ”
  1. Great calculator, works perfectly on mobile phone too.

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